Kaizen | Activation
Kaizen | Activation

Kaizen | Activation


Founding product designer

UXUI / Visual designMarketing

Doubled the conversion rate in 1.5 months Increased conversion by 1% every month thereafter Reduced churn rate to under 5% (great for early B2C SaaS)


Figma, GA, Mixpanel, RevenueCat, Notion


Myself, Founders, 1 Senior BE engineer

To trust Kaizen, runners need consistent data accuracy. Since the app reduces training to one simple but dynamic weekly target, expected behaviour can sometimes look like an error. We also had to ensure that new features did not introduce any extra mistakes which might increase churn.

Problem statement

How can we improve to the product to reduce churn and increase conversion?
  1. Which new features are most likely for customer profiles to purchase?
  2. How can existing features be improved and be used to upsell?
  3. How might we show users that the app is effective before they finish their race?


Constantly add meaningful improvements to new and existing features
  1. Thorough analysis of user onboarding behaviour and community feedback
  2. Context driven paywall flows
  3. Revival and new subscriber offers
  4. Key moment in lifecycle of customer addressed

Key moments

Impact: Reduced churn rate from 10% to under 5% in under 3 months

(Above from left to right): When an unusual fast or slow run shifted the weekly target a surprising amount. Post race congratulations and insights. Demotivation from repeatedly not hitting target, qualified app review / native feedback modals.

Below (left to right): Email opt in for training tips and upsells. Off boarding native feedback and offer. Animated modal changes for improvement events.
(Above from left to right): When an unusual fast or slow run shifted the weekly target a surprising amount. Post race congratulations and insights. Demotivation from repeatedly not hitting target, qualified app review / native feedback modals. Below (left to right): Email opt in for training tips and upsells. Off boarding native feedback and offer. Animated modal changes for improvement events.


Rapid growth meant we had a lot of support tickets, community channels and data to analyse and amend existing user profiles. We identified repeated pain points that undermined customer trust as well as ideas for new features.

Hook and hold

Impact: Increased conversion by 1% MoM



A major driving force behind creating an account on Kaizen is the opportunity for users to track their progress towards half/marathon readiness. However, in order to see improvements, many users may need to adjust their current running methods and embrace a new approach. To help with this transition, we implemented an extended onboarding process and offered the added incentive of learning a specific and unique data point - their response to training.

Key heuristic

Foundations of Measurement: Training often involves tracking and measuring various metrics such as distance covered, pace, heart rate, and perceived exertion to gauge progress and adjust training plans.

Activation hook model

We reviewed profiles and dashboard path behaviour to develop potential flows that incorporated internal motivations, triggers, actions, hooks and investment, for the extended onboarding above these included:

Internal motivation

  1. To improve running habit
  2. To run well in an upcoming race




Milestones & rewards

Key moments

First open

Key questions

  • Is this effective?
  • How good am I at this?

Suggestions & future weeks

Impact: Doubled the conversion rate in 1.5 months and reduced CPI on ads by 20%



A big motivation for users and Kaizen is the flexibility it affords in a training schedule and with an enhanced algorithm, the app can now identify training habits and without being prescriptive, suggest days and distances that runners will best respond to - given their fitness and goal at every stage of their training journey.

Loss Aversion: Runners might be averse to missing training sessions or failing to achieve training goals, which could drive consistency and dedication to the training program.

Context-driven paywalls

Impact: Double the conversion rate in 1.5 months



With an early success in onboarding for an early adopter offer we knew our users were likely to respond when other context driven paywalls were used. This meant revisiting flows and triggering interest in a runners progress, showcasing a feature and then dynamically switching the copy of benefits page to match. Simple, but very effective.


Detailed personas

Key contributions

Conducted in-depth user interviews, native feedback questionnaires.
Created product profile behaviour analysis and enhanced personas
Designed all elements and tested different versions of paywall flows.


With a combination of adding meaningful new features and small tweak to existing experience to address pain points throughout customer lifestyle, we dramatically increased conversion rate of free trials, which we used to fund further user acquisition.